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Tile & Grout Cleaning & Repair Services

Remove hidden dirt and bacteria with professional tile and grout cleaning by Aladdin.


Make Your Ceramic & Porcelain Tile Look New

Both beautiful and durable, ceramic and porcelain tile are popular in home bathrooms because of the various color, pattern and texture options. However, while tile has the ability to last a long time, it isn’t exactly maintenance free. Dirt can easily adhere to the surface, especially those with textured, and over time will discolor, leaving tile worn and dirty in appearance. With Aladdin’s professional tile cleaning services performed just a few times a year, you can extract and eliminate deeply penetrated dirt, stains and grime, leaving behind shiny, clean-looking tile that will last a lifetime.


Grout Cleaning, Sealing & Repair

Maybe it’s not your tile that’s the problem! Grout is much more vulnerable to staining and discoloration problems and while your tile might still appear in decent shape, dirty grout can ruin the overall look in any setting. Unsealed or damaged grout is like sand. It will quickly absorb liquids, dirt and spills, leaving behind a permanent stain, mildew, bacteria and mold. Professional grout cleaning and sealing can remove this grim and prevent moisture from being absorbed into the grout. Whether repairing your existing grout, color matching grout or applying a completely new grout, our team can protect your tile and grout.

Our Professional Tile & Grout Process


Intensive Clean

We use a multi-step process and first clean the tile with a high PH solution to remove dirt, soil and grease. Once the solution is applied and allowed to set, we use a rotating brush to agitate and clean hard to reach areas, like baseboards, with hand scrubbers. Once scrubbing is completed, we clean the tile and grout using our 1,000 psi, high-pressure water to blast out hard-to-remove soil.

Grout Repair & Recoloring

If grout stains are not removed after a deep clean, we can create a custom colored grout stain to match the existing color. If you want to change the color of existing grout, we use color staining technology from ColorClad which, unlike other grout staining products that are available at big box stores, contains aluminum oxide. This adds more durability to your grout and amplifies the grain pattern, enhancing your tile and grout aesthetics.


Grout Sealing

After alkaline cleaning, we acid clean (as needed) stained areas to micro etch and expose new grout. We use a solvent-based, low- Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) impregnation seal to cover the grout and any unsealed tile or stone over 5% porosity.

Is Your Tile Natural Stone?

Natural stone like marble, granite, Saltillo and slate is porous, which means it can absorb spills and stains similarly to grout. Ensure you are protecting your investment with professional stone cleaning and restoration.

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