Halloween is coming and the real scare might be the chocolate, lollipops, gum, sticky candy, or spills which could end up on your carpet and furniture! The professionals at Aladdin Cleaning and Restoration have seen a few Halloween nightmares and are here to share a...
Our furry family members have definitely lived their best lives through the 2020 pandemic as their human families spent a majority of time at home with them. As workplaces begin to open up their offices, our pets are being left wondering what happened. After a year of...
The weather is getting warmer, the flowers are blooming—spring is here! Now is the best time to dust off the cobwebs of winter and begin a fresh and clean start to a new season. Don’t know where to begin? We’ve compiled an ultimate spring cleaning checklist to take...
To remove shoes or not remove shoes, that is the question. The topic of shoes in the house is widely divided. Some see it as a sign of respect when entering someone’s home, while others consider it a nuisance. Recent studies have found that removing your shoes when...
The holidays have come to a close, and after ringing in the New Year with your loved ones, you’ve probably found yourself with a list of resolutions for 2020. If keeping your home clean and tidy is on that list of goals, you are not alone. Some cultures even believe...