In the Loom Blog

Snow, Rain, Busted Pipes: Water Damage and Carpet Cleaning
As beautiful as snow is, nearly a year later, we don’t think that anyone is likely to forget the snowstorm of February 2021 that left many of us across Texas and San Antonio without power, heat, and water—along with quite a bit of plumbing and water damage issues. We received more than 200 emergency calls last February […]

Say Hello to the Pantone Color of the Year 2022
The weather outside may be chilly, but we are warming up with the vibrant Pantone Color of the Year 2022: Very Peri. This dynamic periwinkle blue with violet red undertones is carefree, energizing and hopeful. Its “empowering mix of newness,” according to the company press release, inspires us to be curious and take a chance […]

Should I Restore or Replace My Hardwood Floors?
Beautiful, natural and long-lasting, hardwood is a popular option for flooring throughout any home. When properly maintained, hardwood floors can last decades without needing to be refinished. There is a certain charm to old hardwood flooring, but with that can come scratches, holes, stains and other signs of age that aren’t ideal. So, how do […]

Holiday Design Trends 2021
Planning for a Season of Joy After more than a year of social isolation, many families are looking forward to entertaining and having guests in their home this holiday season. And if you ask us, it’s never too early to start decorating. Whether you are planning for a house full of family or a smaller, […]

Professional Tips for Cleaning Candy Out of Carpet and Furniture
Halloween is coming and the real scare might be the chocolate, lollipops, gum, sticky candy, or spills which could end up on your carpet and furniture! The professionals at Aladdin Cleaning and Restoration have seen a few Halloween nightmares and are here to share a few tips and tricks to help remove the afterparty from […]

What’s Really Living in Your Air Ducts?
Hidden in the attic, our HVAC ductwork is easy to forget, until family members start struggling with allergies, breathing issues, asthma, sneezing or chronic fatigue. When these symptoms appear, you may ask yourself, “Is there a connection between dirty ductwork and allergies, asthma or general sickness?” The answer is a resounding, YES! Neglected heating and […]

Pandemic Puppies
Our furry family members have definitely lived their best lives through the 2020 pandemic as their human families spent a majority of time at home with them. As workplaces begin to open up their offices, our pets are being left wondering what happened. After a year of quality time together, a sudden shift in your […]

Loving Your Outdoors Spaces This Summer
The summer is upon us and that means outdoor entertaining is in full swing! Odds are you’ve had some time over the last year to redecorate or make a few upgrades to the inside of your home while in quarantine. While your outdoor space may have been adapted into a private relaxation spot or even […]

How to Choose the Right Rug for You
When it comes to purchasing a rug for your home, everyone has different goals in mind. Some want to add a splash of color to liven up an area, others see a large antique rug as a more permanent investment in their home. No matter the reason for your selection, there are several common things […]

Why Cleaning Your Tile and Grout is Important?
Unlike carpets, it can be easy to overlook the importance of having your tile and grout professionally cleaned…even it if it doesn’t look dirty. If you haven’t had it recently (or ever), now is a great time to do it. Check out the best reasons to have your home’s tile and grout cleaned on a […]